If you’ve received an email from PayPal notifying you of a payment through your website – and just trying to open the message causes your Windows computer to seize up, freeze up, and become uncooperative …
You’re one of thousands of PayPal users suffering from a known issue that PayPal is desperately trying to resolve, even as I type. Until that resolution has been implemented, PayPal recommends this temporary fix – modify your ‘host’ file – here’s how:
- Start Notepad.exe as Administrator (right click the Notepad application icon, and choose “Run as Administrator”).
- In Notepad, choose File > Open and browse to this location – C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
- On the page that opens, copy and past the following text into the last line of that file: 102.112.2o7.net
- Save the file. Close Notepad.
- Close Outlook, if you didn’t previously. Reopen Outlook – all should be well!