Listen for our ad on, or check it out here. Only 3 more days – May 29 – 31, time to get into that attic or crawl space, wiggle under the bed – and get rid of those computer components that have been collecting dust since Windows 95 was the ‘thing.’
During the entire month of May 2012, in partnership with the Valley’s own Valley Center for Recycling Solutions, we will be accepting computer components, dead or alive, in the first ever Mat-Su Computer Recycling Drive. Drop offs from home users ONLY, will be accepted Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at our shop in the Crossroads Center Mall at the corner of Bogard Road and the Seldon Extension in Wasilla.
We will be accepting:
Desktop CPUs – Laptops & Notebooks – Keyboards & Mice – LCD & CRT Monitors – Cables and Cords
We will NOT be accepting:
Printers or Scanners
Any other electronics